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BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:;;;; FN: ORG:josef.media TEL;TYPE=cell:+436801151401 EMAIL:josef@josef.media URL:https://josef.media REV:2024-07-27T00:00:00Z END:VCARD


It doesn’t hurt to ask.

Basically, I can offer everything a lot on my own. The technical expertise and implementation is 100% me anyway. But in the long run performing exclusively as a one-man-band is not that much fun.

For cross-functional expertise at a high level, I therefore prefer to work with coworkers from our shared office in Vienna. In this collective of creatives, everyone brings their own strengths to the table.

As a well-coordinated team, we ensure to develop complete solutions and accompany our clients from kick-off to project handover and beyond.