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Scroll down to learn about me and view my work.

Born in Generation Y. Learning on the job for 22 years. Still learning. Still feeling the passion.

I’ve had the pleasure and privilege to work with and for leading companies, innovative startups, one-wo:man businesses and large corporations on countless projects.

Whenever possible I share my knowledge and contribute to OpenSource. And I also maintain some useful side projects.

What I offer

Anything but off-the-shelf.

I’m specialized in developing custom-tailored Websites1 including Webshops2 and in setting up Private Clouds3 or even integrating these digital applications and processes into an easy-to-handle modular system.

Furthermore I have a lot of experience in coding slick Frontends based on individual design templates.

My network of awesome colleagues and friends can help out with specific skills if needed.

I rely primarily on OpenSource software solutions: 1 WordPress 2 WooCommerce 3 Nextcloud

Harrer & Partner

Harrer & Partner

them.es WordPress products
WordPress Themes and Components

Code Of Conduct

Principles, Values and Rules of behavior that I obligate to follow in all of my activities.


Honest lasts longest. Behave in a cooperative and supportive way, be emphatic and communicate in an open and fair manner.

Build confidence in others. Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships.

Define goals. Time is precious. Don’t waste it.

Listen. Questions are here to be answered.


Good work is hard. Think. Implement. Rethink. Deliver.

Nothing lasts forever. But this doesn’t mean to make any tradeoffs in the first place.

Bugs are annoying. Fix them as soon as possible.

Ship. The goal is always the successful project closure.


Use technology wisely. Digitalization should always make life easier – always.

Look ahead. Craft secure and maintainable applications by using state-of-the art softwaretools.

Don’t stand still. Revise workflows from time to time.

Share knowledge. Learn, teach and build up experience.


Hands-on mentality. Reliability as a virtue.

Face up challenges. The easy way is not always the best way.

Don’t limit the possibilities. Keep the end-users perspective in mind.

It should be fun. Be creative, stay curious and continue exploring. The best is yet to come.

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